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In today’s corporate world, digital signage is nothing new. It’s fairly commonplace to see LED screens, video walls, and related technology in lobbies and waiting areas, especially if a company is working in or with other cutting-edge organizations. As the cost of LED has become more affordable in past years, businesses are using LED screens in their lobbies to act as dynamic conversation pieces, to create a stunning first impression, to serve as digital signage, to act as directories, and to convey company messaging and branding. Entryways, lobbies, and waiting areas are the perfect places to leverage digital signage solutions since they are typically the first thing visitors see upon entering and the last thing they see when they leave. What better way to create a lasting impression than with powerful, visual tech-forward experiences?

Regardless of what the visual canvas is, there are some less common ways to help make lobby screens more impactful. One of those is custom and personalized messaging for your digital signage system. Typically, lobby display experiences have something to do with company logos, news tickers, customer reviews, or company social media feeds displayed artistically. Innovative organizations can take digital lobby signage to the next level by adding personalized components to the digital displays. 

Here are just a few examples of how innovative brands can leverage personalized digital content in lobbies or entryways:

Welcome Messaging

In most cases, although creative use of displays makes lobbies feel immersive and creative, there isn’t really any place for actual engagement or interaction with the technology itself. Instead of using a static design or video loop that repeats itself over and over, brands can actually update their signage in response to digital sign-ins. When a guest enters the lobby and checks in at the registration desk, an automatic integration with the signage updates the welcome message content, design, or even the video with the name of the guest, or a photo if you’re feeling brave. Templated motion visuals can be generated in real-time, giving unlimited flexibility to the style. This adds a real-time element of personalization to any lobby experience and can provide your guests with a great snapshot to add to their social media.

Make Real-time Custom Updates

Taking this concept a little further, if your registration holds additional customer details, say favorite music, favorite art, colors, hobbies, or any other relevant information, you can have the content altered based on these preferences, pulling from a number of different sources whenever that guest visits. For example, say you have a client who loves to mountain bike and prefers the colors of autumn. When they sign in the environment, the lighting can change to reds and oranges, and the background visuals can be biking-related. It is a subtle but very personalized experience.

Show Relevant Information

Additionally, lobby displays can significantly enhance the visitor experience by providing personalized information and instructions, such as displaying relevant meeting details, upcoming event locations, or guiding them to specific locations within the building. By integrating with scheduling systems and visitor management software, digital displays can ensure that the information shown is current and tailored to each individual. This not only improves efficiency and reduces confusion but also creates a welcoming and professional atmosphere, leaving a positive impression on guests and making their visit more seamless and enjoyable.

Ready to get personal with your lobby signage?

Personalized welcome messages show your visitors that you’re on the cutting edge of digital trends, that you appreciate their presence in your building, and that you’re genuinely excited about your meeting. Your team can start every meeting off on a good foot when the engagement starts in the lobby and give every visitor something to remember when they leave your space. It’s like a party trick, for the office.

If you’re not already leveraging LED signage in your lobby or entryway, what are you waiting for? There’s never been a better time to get started with this innovative technology, especially when industry leaders like Bluewater are on hand to help develop creative, engaging solutions for your technology. Ready to get started? Schedule a call today with an AV specialist to see your options.