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As a Women-Owned Company, we’re thrilled to announce that Brittney Bemb, Bluewater’s VP of Integration Operations, has been elected by her peers to join the prestigious Dealer Advisory Council (DAC) at Edge, a leading partnership organization in the Audio Visual (AV) industry. This recognition highlights her dedication, expertise, and the respect she commands within the community. 

Bridging Global Partnerships 

Edge is renowned for fostering partnerships across the global AV industry, uniting integrators, manufacturers, and technology experts. The organization’s mission is to create a collaborative environment where members can share operational insights, trade secrets, and innovative ideas. These collaborations are crucial for advancing the industry, ensuring that projects are handled by trusted professionals, and ultimately delivering exceptional results. 

The Buyers and Champions Groups 

Brittney’s election also ties her closely to the Buyers Group at Edge, which focuses on strategic purchasing and optimizing value for clients. Furthermore, she will engage with the Champions Group, an exclusive assembly of companies similar in size to Bluewater, her organization. This group emphasizes operational excellence and camaraderie, providing a platform for exchanging ideas and best practices to enhance market performance and secure reliable partnerships. 

Special Interest Groups and the Dealer Advisory Council 

Edge’s Dealer Advisory Council (DAC) is a vital part of the organization’s structure. Comprised of six members, including Britt, the DAC plays a pivotal role in guiding the strategic direction of Edge. Notably, Brittney is one of only two women and the youngest member on the council, highlighting her exceptional achievements and potential to drive positive change. 

Commitment to Excellence 

Becoming a partner at Edge involves a commitment to regular meetings and active participation in shaping the organization’s programs and strategies. With over 100 international integrators and more than 300 office locations, Edge represents a significant network of professionals driving the AV industry forward. 

Driving Growth and Building Relationships 

Brittney’s role on the DAC will not only help grow Bluewater’s capabilities but also strengthen its representation within the broader international community. By participating in specialized groups focused on champions, operations, and women’s initiatives, Brittney is poised to bring unique perspectives and invaluable experience to the table. Her involvement underscores the importance of elevating women’s roles in the industry, leveraging their expertise to enhance collaborative efforts and drive innovation. 

Brittney’s election to the Dealer Advisory Council is a testament to her leadership and vision. As she steps into this influential role, we look forward to the positive impact she will undoubtedly make, both within Edge and the broader AV industry. Her journey reflects a commitment to excellence and a passion for fostering meaningful partnerships that propel the industry toward a brighter future.