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The concept of “touchless interactivity” at face value seems like an oxymoron, but it certainly isn’t when it comes to Bluewater’s “Active Play” and “Storywall” technology. What if you could simply gesture or move your hands, and a screen on the wall in front of you behaved exactly how you expected it to? This is exactly what we are talking about when speaking of “touchless interactivity” and its changing industries such as healthcare. More importantly, these next-gen interactive video walls are revolutionizing the customer experience.

What is Bluewater’s Active Play

Let’s start with our “Active Play” technology. Ditch bacteria-prone touchscreen displays with touchless technology. This is the perfect product for hospitals, especially children’s hospitals, or even on a smaller scale at dentist offices or pediatricians.

Women uses an Active Play wall.Children’s Hospital Installation

There are many benefits of using Active Play walls in hospitals. The walls are completely touchless, thus making them an extremely clean and hygienic solution for hospitals and clinical settings to prevent the spread of disease. The walls have shown to be especially valued in children’s hospital settings, as many patients suffer from diseases that can compromise their immune systems. We set out to create a product that truly makes a difference in the lives of the people who use it, and Bluewater certainly feels that we have accomplished that with this immersive experience. 

Secondarily, the walls provide a unique experience that is a positive distraction from patient treatment and illness. Playing a game on the interactive wall or drawing a picture within an environment without even touching the screen is oftentimes what is needed to improve patient morale. Infusing fun into the hospital setting can make all the difference for the parent, the child, and even the doctors and nurses taking care of them. Not only can our video wall solutions be placed in the wings of the hospital or main lobbies, but they can be a true difference-maker in places like ER waiting rooms where tensions are often high. When used in these areas, hospitals often see improved ratings in the area of client satisfaction among those surveyed

Graph showing the benefits of an interactive video wall solution.

Active Play touchless interactive walls come in a variety of sizes and are pre-loaded with interactive content that can easily gamify any space. For most users, the content library provides sufficient options to choose from. However, Bluewater will also provide a custom-branded scene, cityscape, or even new interactive games upon request. Additionally, we release new environments every year, so there is always fresh and engaging content for your end-users that will leave a lasting impression.

Graph showing the different types of displays.

Bluewater’s Storywall Interactive Display Technology

This contactless interactive technology not only applies to healthcare providers but to corporations as well. Ready to transform user experiences? Bluewater’s “Storywall” product is powered by a customizable content management system (CMS) that allows text and rich media (such as photos and videos) to be loaded and changed as desired, leaving clients with a memorable experience.

Corporate Lobby Installation

Our “Storywall” is designed to engage visitors in corporate lobbies with content such as interactive donor walls, interactive exhibitions of company timelines with pop-up videos, or other custom content. You can even provide employees with access to interactive social media content or custom digital signage.

Graph showing the benefits of Storywall.


Family interacts with a touchless video wall.

Not only is the content able to be easily changed, but our pricing includes the software license, display technology, hardware, installation, initial configuration, training, and 48 months of support should anything go wrong. We also sell both the Active Play & Storywall as a subscription for those who prefer a small monthly operating expense to a large capital expenditure.

Clients use a wall display to interact with content.

Bluewater is well-equipped to help your company or hospital succeed. Partner with us and level up your video wall solutions. Get access to the most creative minds and cutting-edge technology that creates interactive experiences or a corporate moment that won’t soon be forgotten.

Contact us today to learn more about gamifying your spaces with interactivity and touchless solutions.