Were you tasked with planning the end-of year corporate recap or “All-Hands” meeting? Did you put it somewhere on your list of priorities back in August ony to see it get bumped down time and time again due to more urgent matters? If the answer is a resounding “YES” then you need to know two things. The first, you’re not alone, and the second, it’s not too late! Successful corporate meetings can be planned, for and executed very quickly when companies approach them the right way, and and focus on detailed execution. In these scenarios (especially as we approach year’s end) success is dependent upon focusing on the RIGHT things. We’ll share with you some of our tips for planning last minute corporate meetings. We’ve nearly seen it all in our 30+ years in the business.
We’ve seen hundreds of companies over the years come to us thinking it’s simply too late to pull off a successful corporate meeting, but the reality is we’ve seen events pulled off in anywhere from a week, to just a couple of days in the right circumstance. To see some of our recent events, click here.
Here are 3 suggestions that can help you execute flawlessly on short notice:
1. Be virtual! Last minute corporate meetings are often only successful if you can find a way to bring everyone together. This often times isn’t possible at a moment’s notice given the logistical constraints most companies face in this scenario. Bringing in a web stream for off-site team members to join the meeting is a must. Allow for them to ask questions virtually and interact remotely. It can even be fun, or provide a comedic moment if remote attendees are the “voice in the sky” at the meeting and brought in via audio so that everyone can hear their questions and thoughts.
Leaving a discussion forum live both during and after the event can be a big positive as well. This allows off-site attendees to collaborate and answer questions amongst themselves and also allows for follow-up after the event from live attendees. Presenters can even join the forum and interact with other team members post event, which often times creates a more accessible and transparent image of leadership.
2. Know the pain points of the past . We truly can’t overstate this enough. Often times events are judged by the attendees based upon how well the new event overcomes hurdles from they have experienced in the past. For example, if last year’s event was flawless outside of poor audio quality, make sure the audio at this year’s event (even if last minute) is exceptional. It might not matter that you had to settle on backup speakers, or didn’t get the food vendor you wanted for the networking time during the event. What matters is that the memorable aspect of this year’s event is that the audio issue was fixed from the year or years prior. This may seem like a small win, but in the eyes of many it might be the only aspect worth winning!
3. Focus on the Content. Content makes all the difference in the world when it comes to creating a successful corporate meeting or event. If the content is memorable and attendees are able to take something of value away; while being entertained and engaged, you’ve accomplished your mission in planning and running a successful corporate meeting.
Often times partnering with an outside content provider is key to success on short notice. We’ve turned content around in many instances in a week’s time. Most companies especially those that are mid-sized, lack the creative resources internally to be able to create meeting and event content at scale and accommodate the timing of a last-minute corporate meeting. If you’d like our help with your next corporate event you may contact us at any time.
Need More Tips; for planning last minute corporate meetings ? Below are a few additional tips relating to content musts:
1. Set an agenda & get people excited about it!
2. Get input from your team and internal stakeholders. What do they hope to get out of the meeting/event?
3. Keep topics relevant for all attendees as much as possible. Don’t have long segments that are aimed only at a specific group.
4. Have some fun! Create interactive moments, or play a game together. Take some of the pressure off!
5. Keep it conversational where you can. There are times for keynote presentations and others where audience engagement is key to the success of the meeting
To learn even more about the importance of content read our post regarding the “importance of content to to every company” and brand here.
At Bluewater, we’re happy to help you create a stunningly successful meeting or corporate event at a moment’s notice, or years in advance. Our team of creatives, event technologists, planners, producers, and on-site technicians will make certain you look like the office superhero, no matter how much time we have leading up to the event.