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At Bluewater’s Tech Expo, a panel discussion highlighted the growing need for companies to stay current on the latest technology trends in the workplace. The focus was on how technology can enhance the experience for both clients and employees in office settings. The panel, featuring industry experts, explored the key trends and innovations driving improvements in workplace environments through advanced technology solutions. Check out the summary below or view the full recording here.

Featured Speakers

  • Nick Marino, Vice President of Sales-Integration at Bluewater Technologies
  • Kim Hale, Strategic Consulting & Design at Kim Hale Consulting LLC
  • Craig Healey, Senior Account Executive at Bluewater Technologies


  • John Tracy, CEO at Bluewater Technologies

Optimizing Office Spaces for Client Entertainment and Engagement

The panel discussion began with a focus on the significance of creating an office space that is engaging and entertaining for clients. Nick highlighted how, in the past, achieving connectivity across office spaces was a challenge, often relying on costly equipment like CODECs. He emphasized the critical role of video conferencing in modern office setups, noting that today’s platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet are far more cost-effective than previous technologies. These platforms not only reduce expenses but also enable a much larger audience to participate in video calls, enhancing client engagement and collaboration.

Nick provided an example of the Nexteer World Headquarters, where the office is designed to immerse visitors in the brand and culture from the moment they walk in. This is achieved through various gamification setups, which engage clients and create an interactive experience that reflects the company’s identity.

Leveraging Workplace Design to Attract Top Talent 

Kim highlighted how, in the past, office designs were primarily centered around the needs of the company and its top executives, often relegating employees to work in assigned spaces with little consideration for their preferences. Over time, this focus has shifted towards individual employees, emphasizing their happiness and comfort as a means to boost productivity. As a result, companies began to prioritize the inclusion of various amenities and services within the office space to enhance the overall employee experience.

The introduction of laptops revolutionized the workplace by allowing employees to “unplug” and work collaboratively in new, flexible spaces. This mobility enabled teams to break free from traditional desk setups, fostering a more dynamic and collaborative work environment.

When the pandemic hit, it became clear that many jobs could be effectively done from home, and employees quickly grew accustomed to the flexibility and comfort of remote work. Now that the corporate world is returning to the office, companies are recognizing the need to offer flexible schedules to attract and retain top talent. This hybrid model means that some employees will always be on-site while others work remotely, presenting the challenge of ensuring these two groups collaborate seamlessly without losing efficiency. As a result, there is now a greater focus on collaborative technologies and the creation of co-working spaces designed to support this new way of working.

Nick provided an analogy to high-definition TVs:

“Similar to when high-definition came out and everyone had high-definition at their house, instead of going to the bar and watching a game in high-definition, you can now do it from home. During the pandemic we all decided we can do this from home – so now we have to create within our office environment something that is going to be able to pull them back.”

Craig emphasized the importance of conveying your brand’s story through your office space, using the Clif Bar corporate office as a prime example. Clif Bar incorporates organic wood and a canoe hanging from the ceiling to reflect their outdoor-oriented product, effectively showcasing their brand identity in their workspace.

Designing Workspaces to Reflect Brand Culture and Identity

Brand identity and company culture are deeply intertwined, Kim explains:

“Brand identity is the way your customers experience you and your story. Whereas, the culture is the way your employees experience you and your story.”

She revisits the examples of the Nexteer and Clif Bar offices, highlighting how these companies effectively use their physical office spaces to make their brand stories tangible for both prospective employees and clients.

She also highlights the example of White Castle’s Corporate Headquarters, where the aim was to use technology to convey the brand’s story and history to customers, visitors, and employees in a way that complements their quirky brand personality. One notable installation involved bringing the original founder’s desk to life with technology. By placing a rotary phone on the desk, visitors could pick up the phone, which triggered the adjacent photo wall to activate. Voice tracks would then provide explanations of the photos, creating an interactive and immersive experience.

Utilizing Workplaces as a Strategic Sales Tool

Sales enablement is crucial, and utilizing every available tool to secure a sale can be highly impactful. The panelists backed this point by showing a video that illustrated how powerful it is to see and hear what a company does, rather than just hearing a verbal explanation. While verbal descriptions allow for some retention, seeing examples of the work offered makes a much stronger impression. These examples serve as valuable sales enablement tools, providing a clear understanding of a company’s daily operations. Additionally, incorporating branded gamification within your workspace can further enhance the impact, offering an engaging and memorable way to showcase your brand and capabilities.

Essential Features for Creating Interactive and Experiential Spaces for Clients and Prospects

The process begins with a comprehensive needs assessment. To effectively address your client’s needs, it’s crucial to understand who they are, their employees, and their brand. The initial discussion typically focuses on the type of experience they want to create. With this insight, we can then identify the most appropriate technology to meet their specific requirements.

With the emphasis on back-to-work initiatives, Craig discusses the importance of designing a space that caters to employees’ needs. It’s crucial to develop an environment that aligns with what both prospective and current employees are seeking. From there, you can implement the right technology and experiences to achieve these goals.

Forecasting Trends: The Future of Workplace Design and Flexibility

Today, there is a growing focus on neurodiversity, recognizing that individuals process information differently from both sensory and cognitive perspectives. Previously, the mindset was often “it is what it is,” leaving employees to adapt to less accommodating environments. However, with the shift to remote work, many have tailored their home setups to better suit their needs and enhance productivity. As companies encourage a return to in-person work, they are responding by allowing employees more flexibility to customize their workspaces to better fit their individual requirements, aiming to create environments that support their diverse needs. Kim predicts that companies will increasingly allow employees to customize their workspaces, potentially offering even more flexibility than they do currently.

Nick acknowledges that predicting the future of technology is challenging due to its rapid evolution. However, he emphasizes the importance of investing in systems that are both future-proof and scalable. By choosing technology solutions with built-in scalability, companies can adapt to new advancements without having to discard existing systems and start from scratch.


As the workplace continues to evolve, the integration of advanced technology plays an increasingly vital role in enhancing both employee and client experiences. The insights shared during the Tech Expo panel underscore the importance of creating flexible, engaging, and brand-aligned office environments that cater to the diverse needs of today’s workforce. By staying ahead of technological trends and prioritizing the customization of workspaces, companies can foster a more productive, satisfied, and connected workforce. As we look to the future, the key takeaway is clear: investing in scalable, future-proof technology and thoughtful workspace design is essential for companies striving to attract top talent and deliver exceptional experiences for their clients.

View the full recording of this panel discussion here!